Wednesday, October 11, 2006


There are many people in this world who are actually in luv
but stil arent sure whether their beloved also share the same
relationship.... so they back off from letting them know what their
heart craves to convey........So this post is for those folks.......

There is a very good friend of mine who strongly believes
in love but till date has never ever given a sign of getting into
any such relationship .....One fine day she came up to me and
said that she had a soft corner towards a person n likes him....i said
WOH!!!!!!!!!!look who's talking?????A person who was always
against getting into anything of that sort what she calls strangling herself
such a person talking such crap.....

But when i couldnt see the normal austere expressions .......the normal
look....i could make out that it has got to do with some serious issue.She said that
her swain wasn't interested in her but in someone else which is the same case
with her too i.e the new character who wasnt interested in my friend's beloved.......
In such a complex situation what woud i advice my friend to do??????
Should i ask her to go and tell him whatever is there in her mind
or should i ask her to kill that feeling of her and be baffled....I asked her to go on
and tell him what she feels about him..... In case of a dillemma then the kind of thoughts that
come to the mind can be summed up as below............Varied quetions strike your mind for which
you might not have an answer.........

Are you an intuition, or just an illusion,
Are you a fantasy, or transient ecstasy,
Are you here to stay, or will you fly away,
Are the one to hold, or mystery to unfold,
Are you the one? Are you the one?

And finally its you who will be in an embarassing state knowing what to do and what not to.
In few cases u got to be self centered......If u are under the notion that
the bondage of friendship would be broken because of LOVE then
this is a misconception.How do u call a person a friend who gives up
friendship just because he or she was proposed by his\her friend????I call him\her a moron
when he does that....So those who are in battling with such clutches please
feel free to express your love.....I'm sure u wouldn't loose anything from the present
treasury in saying so...Moreover u might as well come positive with your love...

Monday, October 02, 2006


Students when come to the hostels for the first time mostly for their under-graduation what they would be pissed off with
or find pathetic is the food in the mess.I still remeber those days when the catering wasnt privatised the kind of stuff that was offered to me...
For many of them they might miss their parents initially but the impact isnt long but one thing that is to be compromised a lot is on the food
and compells the taste buds to accept the so called nutrious diet offered in the hostels....

Why do people usually fight for food in hostel mess when there's something special that is made???Why is that they have litres of milk in the night
when it is just provided as an additonal source just after dinner?Why is that the 'junta' move out frequently for an outing in the weekend and have their
tummies satisfied to the fullest and return to the hostels(not talking of city life)????

The answers are with the students itself who are a part of all such activities....One of the answers may be because of the frustated life that the
students are going through striving for good food......But this doesnt mean that people go on rampage n act like 'junglis' in getting their share...
the kind of impression that any other normal person would get is pretty obvious......!!!!!!!!!! I've seriously seen how the atmosphere would be when
that kind of environment prevails...........I've seen how my fellow batchmates used to wrangle for tea....!!!!!In course of action burning their hands n dropping
it hear n there n may be even on others shirts.....who damn cares attitude???

The scenario can be visualised an can be given a serious thought as to why such a kind of instances arise.....the basic funda behind everything is FREEDOM....
RULES when imposed on students provokes them to curb them and break through them....When a student is asked to maintain a queue for taking his meal during his lunch hour or may be some other time in the mess hall he would definetely like to treat himself as a VIP and go get his meal off the queue.The more the rules imposed on any person that can be solved in rather simple manner,the more it would hamper the discipline of the indivisual....BUt again there are exceptions.....When the rule of not using a cell phone is imposed students use it because it is a easier means of communicating and keeping in touch with parents and other welwishers and poeople dont use it more lavishly like talking in class on a mobile but where it is not at all necessary dear friends please do maintain decency.Abide by the simple rules wherein some healthy atmosphere develops....